Thank you for contacting Aftermarket support. We have been informed by our 3rd party payment processor that there are additional steps needed for you to complete before payment can be completed for your Go Daddy Auction disbursement of funds.
Please follow the instructions below to have the funds released:
If you wish to have funds released, you will need to obtain a license from the U.S. Treasury Department through one of the following channels:
* File an electronic application to have blocked funds released by visiting the following link: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/licensing.aspx
* Submit an Application for the Release of Blocked Funds (TD-F 90-22.54) (http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Documents/license.pdf) which is available on Office of Foreign Assets Control website www.ustreas.gov/ofac under “Forms”
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kenneth McCortney
Aftermarket Support Lead
他们给了我链接地址,让我自己向OFAC申请解冻资金。但是在打开链接地址在线提交信息和资料时有几项内容我是不知道的:Financial Blocked Funds 、Remitter and Remitting Financial Institution(冻结资金的金融机构、汇款人、汇款银行机构),所以我向GoDaddy拍卖发邮件索要这些信息。他们的邮件回复是:
These are steps and information you will need to provide to your bank as it is a hold being placed by the U.S. Treasury Department. Unfortunately we will not be able to assist you with this request. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Aftermarket Manager.