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[业界新闻] 对注册量不满意?印度政府打算用广告大力推广印度国别...

发表于 2016-7-31 13:04:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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2016-07-28 10:52:12 分类:域名资讯 来源/编辑: 小波 阅读(202) [url=]0[/url]人评论(去评论
Switch from .COM to .INIndian Government’s New Slogan
July 28, 2016         Comment
[size=1em]Indian IT Ministry is going to invoke nationalism which will make Indian businesses and individuals to switch from ‘.com’ and adopt ‘.in’ . A massive advertisement campaign is about to go-live soon. Indeed good times are approaching for .IN extension , perhaps IT ministry realized its the right time to promote .IN as India is the home of several  new startups a month (Startups Nation). All .IN lovers must appreciate the .IN registry efforts and specially CEO Mr Rajiv Bansal for proving he is different and want to make a difference for .IN extension. Glad to hear NIXI is headed by a visionary CEO who knows the power of .IN extension and committed for its promotion.
IT Ministry plans ad campaign to promote .in domain nameRajiv Bansal, joint secretary in MEIT, said the campaign should be ready for rollout in a month or so and will play on the people's nationalist sentiments.Surabhi Agarwal&Neha Alawadhi  |  ET Bureau  |  Jul 27, 2016, 08.12 AM IST

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NEW DELHI: Does your website have a domain name or address ending with '.in'? If not the government soon plans to make you feel guilty by way of an advertising campaign that will play on the national sentiments.

With an aim to promote the .in domain name, which is India's official website extension - but continues to be in the shadows of the more popular .com domain name - the ministry of electronics and IT (MEIT) is planning a massive advertising campaign aimed at companies, individuals and startups.

Rajiv Bansal, joint secretary in MEIT, said the campaign should be ready for rollout in a month or so and will play on the people's nationalist sentiments to nudge them to host their website on the.in domain name. "Even existing websites which are on .com or other domains can be hosted on.in which can then be routed back," he told ET.

Bansal said the government's Digital India, Make in India and Start-up India campaigns have been successful in building a momentum in the country. "There is a wave, and we want to capitalise on it," he said.

According to a top government official, MEIT has set a target to increase the number of '.in' domain names to 3 million by March next year, up from 2 million now.

Bansal said the ministry plans special tieups with the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) and the ministry of small and medium enterprises (MSME) to offer discounts to startups or new businesses registering with them for .in domain name.

"The proposal includes offering some kind of a discount - perhaps a new domain registration for Rs 150 or Rs 200 - to attract new businesses," Bansal said.

Even now, websites of MCA and MSME — where most entrepreneurs wishing to start a new business land up — carry links to aid registrations for .in domain name. MEIT is in talks with these ministries to deepen this partnership.

Also, NIXI (National Internet Exchange of India), which manages the .in registry, plans to give the '.bharat' domain for Hindi website extension complementary with the .in domain to popularise its use, just like the European Union giving local language domain names along with the '.eu' domain name.

"As a promotional scheme, NIXI will be offering the '.bharat' domain name in Hindi complementary to select businesses or categories from this month," said Bansal who is also the CEO of NIXI, a not-for-profit company set up in 2003 to improve internet access in India.

It may target businesses that have wide reach and operate online in English and Hindi, for example, newspapers or companies that host websites in Hindi.

Last year, NIXI had run an advertisement campaign with 22-24 seconds advertisements targeted at small and medium businessmen and entrepreneurs. The ads featured a 'chikankari' trader from Lucknow, a banana chips manufacturer from Kerala, a classical dance teacher, and a traditional Channapatna toy seller who have managed to get global demand and presence for their local brands.

Aim of the campaign was to popularise use of the '.in' domain name, which "creates and builds a distinct Indian identity for brands, companies and individuals in the cyberspace".

According to NIXI, the total number of .in domains are 2.1 million. As per technology survey website W3Techs.com, '.in' is currently used by 1.4 per cent websites worldwide while the most used is '.com' (49 per cent), followed by '.ru' (5.2 per cent) and '.net' (4.6 per cent).

One of the reasons why internationalised domain names (IDNs) or local language domain names have been slow to take off is that the only local language speakers do not have access to the Internet in India.

The first quarter of 2016 closed with a base of approximately 326.4 million domain name registrations across top-level domains such as '.com', '.edu', '.info', an increase of 3.8 per cent from the fourth quarter of 2015, according to the 'Domain Name Industry Brief ' report by Verisign.


发表于 2016-7-31 13:11:48 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-31 13:26:32 | 只看该作者
[业界新闻] 印度互联网调查:全球互联网增速放缓,恒河儿女一枝独秀

发表于 2016-6-25 12:52:23 | 只看该作者亚洲物流科技    http://club.west.cn/forum.php?mo ... =%E5%8D%B0%E5%BA%A6



1. 全球互联网增速放缓

根据美国最大风险投资基金 KPCB 近期发布的《互联网趋势》报告(互联网女皇报告)显示,目前全球互联网用户已经达到 30 亿。与此同时,虽然渗透率(互联网用户在总人口中的占比)还在增长,但全球互联网的增长率却在一路下滑。


2. 中国互联网增速连续下降



1. 印度是全球唯一还在快速增长的市场

据互联网女皇报告显示,2015年印度互联网用户数达2.77 亿,同比增长40%,这直接拉高了全球增长率2%。现在印度已超过美国成为全球第二大互联网市场,仅次于中国。但从渗透率角度看,互联网全球渗透率已达42%,而印度互联网渗透率仅为22%,这与印度的人口总量,以及年轻人群体在印度总人口中的高占比并不相符。《印度时报》在去年8月曾发文称,到2025年,印度人口预计将增至14.3 亿,而年龄在 25 岁以下人口的比例将超过48%(6.9 亿)。

2. 印度移动互联网用户 2021年 将达 13.7 亿

全球范围看,移动设备已经成为推动新兴市场互联网接入的重要力量,印度也是如此。2015年11月,印度互联网和移动协会(IAMAI)以及市场调研公司 IMRB 共同发布的《2015年 印度互联网报告》显示,截至 2015年10月,印度通过移动设备上网的用户规模占互联网用户整体规模的 87%。

而爱立信发布的《移动市场报告》(印度版)报告预测,截止 2021年 底,印度移动互联网用户总数将接近 13.7 亿,智能手机用户数将达到 8.1 亿。与此同时,3G 和 4G 网络总用户数将达到印度网络用户总数的 65%。届时,印度移动网络将呈现以下特点:

2021年,印度 99%的移动流量将来自于数据服务,每个活跃的智能手机会用掉 7Gb 流量





印度智能手机价格低廉(150-90 美元),直接促进智能手机用户和移动互联网的发展

WhatApp、Google 、YouTube 是印度智能手机用户数量最多的三款软件

3. 印度电商市场 2020年 将达 1000 亿美元

注:数据来自 IAMAI,目前印度电商的规模还很小。

虽然印度电子商务正在快速增长,但仍处于起步阶段《2015年 印度互联网》报告显示,在线交流、社交、娱乐是印度网民上网最主要的原因。只有 24%的城市网民和 5%的农村网民访问在线购物。同时,报告显示,2014年,印度网络购物的规模为 125 亿美元,不到中国网购市场规模的 3%。印度网民网上购物主要购买服装,以及电脑软件、医疗用品等。业内普遍认为 “印度将成为继中国之后的又一电商巨擘”。据印度工业联合会、德勤最新报告预测,印度电商市场 2015年 规模约在 160 亿美元,预计到 2020年 该规模将超过 1000 亿美元。此前美银美林更是大胆预测该数值将在 2025年 达到 2200 亿美元。


1. 年轻、男性群体占比高,69%网民每天上网

据《2015年 印度互联网报告》显示,在印度城市中,32%的月活跃网民是大学生。75%的乡村互联网用户为 18 岁到 30 岁之间的年轻人,11%用户是 18 岁以下青少年,31 岁到 45 岁之间的中年用户仅占 8%。

同时,印度互联网用户中 71%为男性,女性仅占 29%。男性互联网用户增长率为 50%,而女性用户增长率为 46%。

此外,印度网民平均每天上网时间 5.1 小时。城市互联网用户中,69%的网民几乎每天都上网。

注:数据来自 IAMAI。

2. 喜爱移动端登陆社交网络,但覆盖率不高

注:数据来自 IAMAI。

印度网民和全球网民一样喜爱社交网络。2015年,印度网民日均使用社交网络的时间超过 2 小时。以脸谱、推特等为代表的社交网络媒体已成为印度主流社会重要交流平台,对印度社会的影响不断增大。Facebook 是最受欢迎的软件,去年有 53%的印度网民使用,同时还包括 Twitter、Linkedin 等。此外,即时通讯工具,尤其是 Whatsapp 在印度的使用率开始升高。

《2015年 印度互联网报告》指出,72%的社交媒体用户通过移动端登陆,而且印度社交媒体用户平均年龄要比全球用户平均年龄年轻,一半的印度互联网用户在 23 岁,甚至更年轻。

需要指出的是,虽然使用社交网络的人数在不断增加,但目前只有 10%的印度城市正在 “社交化”,而且要使印度社交网络覆盖印度人口的一半,尚需16年的时间。


注:数据来自 IAMAI。红色柱状图为乡村网民规模,蓝色为城市网民规模,绿色折线为增长率。

印度网络及移动通信协会(IAMAI)2015年8月 份发布的一份报告指出,印度拥有 1.88 亿城市互联网用户,而乡村用户只有 4600 万。但乡村发展互联网的潜力巨大,IAMAI 的主席 Subho Ray 也强调,尽管城市市场尚未达到饱和,但印度互联网用户增长的驱动力将会来自于乡郊地区,在这里,移动互联网将会扮演一个重要角色,印度乡村将带动 75%的互联网用户的增长。


印度的平均网速在全球范围内处于中间偏后水平,为每秒 2.8Mb。平均网速最快的国家是韩国接近每秒 27Mb。中国平均网速为 4.1Mb,美国为 14.2Mb,日本为 17Mb。比如,以现在各国的平均网速下载一部高清电影,中国大约需要 20 分钟左右,韩国只需要 3 分钟,印度则需要 30 分钟。此外,印度家庭和工作场所较稳定,在途网速不稳定且慢一直饱受印度网民诟病。

图:2013年 至 2015年,全球各国平均网速示意图(Statista)
图:2013年 至 2015年,中美印三国平均网速对比(Statista)


国际咨询公司麦肯锡曾发报告指出,相比较其他国家,印度民众的互联网消费能力对该国 GDP 的贡献还不够大。一旦印度消费者在网络和通讯技术领域的消费能力达到发达国家水准,那整个印度互联网产业对 GDP 的贡献程度、乃至整个互联网产业的影响力至少会是现在的三倍。但贫富差距、城乡差距、教育程度差距、基础设施差距等问题将阻碍印度互联网经济的发展,要想让印度互联网产业起飞还需要各方在 5 个方面共同努力:




提高非传统领域的网络化程度,如农业、 教育、 能源、 卫生保健和公共事业




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