2015 年 7 月 8 日
感谢您一路走来对 .xyz 的支持!中国是我们最庞大而珍而重之的市场之一,我们很高兴地宣布,.xyz 快要成为少数受中国认可的域名扩展名之一。我们已向中国当局提交申请,并会竭尽所能与他们沟通,务求尽快争取官方认可。
如果您已经拥有 .xyz 的域名,可别忘了为它们续期!我们正在中国迅速发展,绝对不想您那些酷炫的域名才用了一年就这样跑掉!
想收到有关 .xyz 域名的最新动态吗? 快订阅我们的通讯!
再次感谢您的支持,欢迎大家随时 反馈给我们。
XYZ 团队启
July 8, 2015
To our supporters in China:
Thank you for your continued support of .xyz! With China being one of our biggest and most important markets, we wanted to inform you that we are in the process of becoming one of the few officially recognized domain extensions in China. We have submitted our application to the Chinese authorities, and will work with them in every way we can to ensure that we become accredited as soon as possible.
If you are already an owner of .xyz domains, please be sure to renew them. We are still growing very quickly in China and would not want you to release the great domains names that you were able to secure during the first year of availability!
To receive the most up-to-date news on .xyz domains, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Again, thank you for your support and we always welcome your feedback.
Yours truly,
Team XYZ