本帖最后由 精品男人 于 2017-11-16 13:46 编辑
现将注册局的回复通报给大家,供大家能参考。无论你看好.win,还是.men,亦或.bid (这三个后缀目前在备案申请中),
Hi David, Just wanted to update you formally on the FFM situation. I know maybe there are some rumours in the market but here is the reality. First please let me thank you for your email. It’s great when we get to hear from our customers and we certainly value your feedback. We have taken note of our suggestions and while our Team in China is currently undergoing some changes we want to make it clear we are 100% committed to making FFM and all our TLDS a huge success in the Chinese market. Over the next few months we plan to do the following: - Put an additional manager in place to take the MIIT certification forward. This is an ongoing process and we understand that it needs full attention.
- Push ahead with CNNIC and our backend providers to manage the integration processes.
- Launch an aggressive sales campaign to reduce the renewal fees and registration costs with all Chinese registrars.
- Start to advertise the TLDS in awareness building campaigns. We would love your help to understand which ways add the most value in the market?
I hope the above gives you come confidence that FFM is not slowing down at all!!! We aim to accelerate our growth in the Chinese market over the next years to come. Best Regards,