大佬的“僵尸还魂”说得太精准了,从来没有见过一个注册局这样玩法的,当中国人的钱都不是钱吗?随意调价格,说好的今年备案,却几年过去了,备案的文件估计都没有递交上去吧 ,居然还可以在西部大摇大摆的各种宣传,吸引广大域名投资者的注意,可惜呀,几年过去,他们都看透了,那怕26元续费,估计也没几个投资者会理睬你,只因为你把中国投资者伤得太深了。
Daxie’s “Zombie Resurrection” is too precise. I have never seen a registrar playing like this. When Chinese money is not money? Feel free to adjust the price, saying that this year's record, but a few years have passed, the documents for the record are not estimated to be submitted, but can also be widely advertised in the west, attracting the attention of the majority of domain name investors, but unfortunately, several years In the past, they all saw through it. Even if the 26 yuan renewal fee, it is estimated that few investors will pay attention to you, just because you have hurt Chinese investors too deeply.(英文是给你们注册局的人看的 )